Latest sustainable technology and innovation news

Top climate change scientist tells how to reduce emissions

Top climate change scientist tells how to reduce emissions

Anthropogenic climate change from burning fossil fuels is undeniable and is happening at an alarming rate. A report from the World Meteorological Organisation predicts that one year in the next five will almost certainly be the hottest on record. The use of fossil fuels must be radically reduced.

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Source: World Economic Forum
The future of space medicine

The future of space medicine

Space offers a chance to study bacteria and diseases in zero gravity. Scientists are trying to create human transplant tissue in orbit. If they succeed, 3D-printed organs could revolutionize medicine on Earth. The 3D printer aboard the ISS has begun its first tissue printing: a meniscus for a human knee.

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Source: World Economic Forum
The critical role of the governance in driving the energy transition

The critical role of the governance in driving the energy transition

Three governance approaches – strategic planning, stakeholder engagement, and policy alignment – are key to accelerating the shift to clean energy. By adopting these governance approaches, countries and organizations can unlock the full potential of renewable energy and build a more sustainable future.

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Source: World Economic Forum
Food security is in a state of emergency

Food security is in a state of emergency

Food security is one of the world’s most pressing challenges. The broken food system is also responsible for over a third of global carbon emissions and 80% of deforestation. We must act now by making agricultural practices more sustainable. Soil regeneration is necessary for our survival.

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Source: World Economic Forum
Global biodiversity targets will be out of reach

Global biodiversity targets will be out of reach

The effects of climate change and habitat loss on animal populations have been underestimated. Bringing back wildlife may take longer than expected and unless we act now global biodiversity targets will be out of reach. Urgent and immediate action is needed to tackle biodiversity loss.

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Source: BBC
The climate crisis is deadlier than COVID-19

The climate crisis is deadlier than COVID-19

Seven million people die prematurely each year from air pollution, more than the death toll during the entire COVID-19 pandemic. There has been a rise in chronic diseases linked to air pollution, and evidence suggests it is driving up cancer rates, too. Action is needed now, not tomorrow.

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Source: World Economic Forum