Latest news on Climate

How to avoid a climate disaster according to Bill Gates

How to avoid a climate disaster according to Bill Gates

There are two numbers to remember: 51 billion and 0. The first number refers to the number of tons of greenhouse gases added to the atmosphere each year. The second number refers to the level we have to reach: zero emissions by 2050. Innovation is key to achieving this major turnaround.

Check his insights >
Source: GatesNotes
Carbon capture is vital to achieving the climate goals

Carbon capture is vital to achieving the climate goals

Carbon capture and storage is the only way to prevent power plants and factories from continuing to pour emissions into the atmosphere. Carbon capture and storage involves the extraction of emissions, condensing them and then pumping the resulting carbon dioxide into underground stores.

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Source: The Guardian
1.8 billion trees found in the Sahara due to Artificial Intelligence

1.8 billion trees found in the Sahara due to Artificial Intelligence

Most people think that trees don’t grow in the Sahara. But researchers at the University of Denmark have counted over 1.8 billion trees and shrubs in the 1.3 million square kilometre area. They used satellite imagery from NASA and an advanced artificial intelligence method to make the count.

More info >
Source: The Guardian
Greenhouse gas emissions

Cities key for achieving new emission reduction target

Cities cover less than 2% of the world’s surface, yet account for roughly 70% of greenhouse gas emissions. To deliver the EU’s greenhouse gas emission reduction target, cities have an integral role to play. A CDP report reveals which European cities lead on environmental action.

Check how cities are doing >
Source: CDP
Building equitable economies

Putting people first in nature-based solution projects

Underdeveloped landscapes could economically and ecologically benefit from landscape restoration. Restoring land by growing trees and protecting forests conserves biodiversity, improves water recharge, sequesters carbon, enhances rural livelihoods and spurs rural development.

Find out how >
Source: World Resource Institute
2020 Technology Pioneers
Circular EconomyClimateICT

Future headline-makers addressing global issues

The WEF’s Technology Pioneers include 100 leaders in carbon capture, alternative meat, circular economies, food security and financial access, to name a few. Brazil-based CargoX, for example, digitises trucking to optimize logistics that can improve the livelihood of truckers.

Discover all pioneers >
Source: World Economic Forum