Latest news on Health

The future of space medicine

The future of space medicine

Space offers a chance to study bacteria and diseases in zero gravity. Scientists are trying to create human transplant tissue in orbit. If they succeed, 3D-printed organs could revolutionize medicine on Earth. The 3D printer aboard the ISS has begun its first tissue printing: a meniscus for a human knee.

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Source: World Economic Forum
The climate crisis is deadlier than COVID-19

The climate crisis is deadlier than COVID-19

Seven million people die prematurely each year from air pollution, more than the death toll during the entire COVID-19 pandemic. There has been a rise in chronic diseases linked to air pollution, and evidence suggests it is driving up cancer rates, too. Action is needed now, not tomorrow.

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Source: World Economic Forum
New strategies to reduce the carbon footprint of the healthcare industry

New strategies to reduce the carbon footprint of the healthcare industry

Healthcare systems produce around 4% of global CO2 emissions. For most industrialized nations, that figure is closer to 10% of national emissions. Hospitals emit 2.5 times more greenhouse gases than commercial buildings. New strategies are needed to help health systems reduce their carbon footprint.

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Source: World Economic Forum
Tackling threats to global food security

Tackling threats to global food security

Between 720 and 811 million people faced hunger in 2020. That’s around one in 10 of the world’s population. COVID-19, climate change and conflict are among the main drivers of global food insecurity. A recent UN report has 6 recommendations for ensuring all have access to healthy food.

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Source: World Economic Forum
How digital technologies can help address health inequity

How digital technologies can help address health inequity

Health inequity is not caused by a single factor, but is the combined result of multiple structural and procedural dimensions. Digital technologies can play an important role in addressing at least 5 of these factors through providing access, support and representation in key areas.

See the 5 factors >
Source: World Economic Forum
200 health journals call for urgent action on climate crisis

200 health journals call for urgent action on climate crisis

In an unprecedented unified action, 200 health journals have published the same statement calling for “urgent action to keep average global temperature increases below 1.5C, halt the destruction of nature, and protect health”. Their powerful plea comes ahead of the UN general assembly and Cop26.

See the statement >
Source: The Guardian