Latest news on Circular Economy

Sustainable crop production
Circular EconomyFood

Using old mattresses to grow vegetables

Over 1500 Syrian refugees use mattress foam and recycled cups to build a hydroponic farming system for growing herbs and vegetables. Using 70 to 80% less water than traditional methods, this system could help other communities in dry climates to farm sustainably.

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Source: World Economic Forum
Sustainable foam production
Circular Economy

Chemical recycling of used mattresses

BASF is starting pilot tests of its new chemical recycling process for used mattresses. By recovering raw materials with a quality comparable to that of virgin raw materials, BASF will be able to produce new foam with a significantly lower carbon footprint.

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Source: Live Circular
Too good to waste
Circular Economy

Developing detergent using residual alcohol

The Belgian company Ecover started manufacturing an environmentally friendly detergent named ‘Too Good to Waste’. Ecover is using residual alcohol (a waste product left over from the production of alcohol-free beer) as a raw material for this new detergent.

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Source: Retail Detail
Microplastic pollution
Circular Economy

Smallest particles no longer slipping through the net

Microplastics occur in our food and drinking water, and at least the smaller specimens are absorbed into the body during digestion. A breakthrough development enables to evaluate their possible effect on different ecosystems and on human health in particular.

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Source: VITO