Expert stories on Water

Vernacular buildings and adaptation to floods

In flood-prone areas of South and Southeast Asia, vernacular architecture has resulted in various forms of elevated buildings. As climate change causes a wider range of challenges, lessons from this architecture will be key to dealing with future risks.

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Sustainable livelihoods of the Chipaya people in Bolivia

Climate change threatens the existence of the Chipaya people by making traditional water management practices non-viable. A sustainable future can be secured by introducing new, sustainable land management technologies.

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How desalination can help address the freshwater challenge

Fresh water is scarce. Seawater desalination is expected to play a vital role in limiting the gap between water demand and supply. Sixteen thousand desalination plants are currently estimated to be active, producing 95 billion litres of water per day for human use.

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Ensuring sustainable drinking water supply in rural areas

Almost 800 million people still lack adequate access to a sustainable drinking water supply. Gravity-driven membrane filtration technology has been used in several UNDP water management projects in rural areas in Cambodia and Indonesia.

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Nature-based solutions for climate-resilient societies

Nature-based solutions are an indispensable part of our global effort to achieve the SDGs. According to the Nature-Based Solutions for Climate Manifesto, they are a vital complement to decarbonisation in establishing climate-resilient societies.

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